(310) 896-5071 info@pixellentdesign.com

Website design

Support your brand with an attractive and engaging website that converts visitors to customers or clients.

Website Design

Your digital space

Make your brand stand out with a great website that delivers.


Make your digital presence notable with responsive sites that fit any screen size.


Like a modern newspaper, tablets are a great platform to present your brand to your consumer.


Arguably more important than desktop sites in this modern age, your website needs to be designed with mobile in mind.

Create a unique website with Pixellent

Website design is about conceptualizing, planning, and arranging content for online viewing on various platforms. In today’s world, it’s not enough for a designer to just create a great look for a homepage – they need to understand the basics of web development as well.

Website Design

At Pixellent, we offer three options for building a website: building from scratch, using a template, or customizing a pre-built template. Our unique approach to customizing templates allows us to meet the diverse needs and visions of our clients.

Our web development process starts with a creative brief to understand your vision and help determine the best option for your project.

We work with you and your budget to create a website that you’ll be proud to show off to the world. Contact us today to learn more about our services and get started on your website project.

Industries Served

Food & Beverage,
Beauty & Cosmetics, Consumer Goods

We have the expertise and the know-how to service any industry.

>> Find out more

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